There’s always been something different about LinkedIn. Not just because it is specifically built for professionals, and not because it is an important recruiting tool for many businesses. If you use LinkedIn effectively, it can be an extension of your networking activities. You can find people who can bring real value to you and vice versa. 
The problem is finding them. 
Without question, there’s always a time factor to success. The more time you spend working on LinkedIn, the deeper you will be able to dig to find the right people. It’s also true that not everyone who tries to run a business is able to sufficiently mine enough time to be able to sit around on social media platforms all day. 
So, you need a secret weapon. You need a little boost. Cue the inevitable ensuing discussion of why including Sales Navigator in your marketing campaigns is a good idea. 

What is this Sales Navigator you speak of? 

Back in the dark ages of 2014 LinkedIn unleashed Sales Navigator. The premise was very simple. They created a tool that would help you cut through the millions of accounts to get to the small pool of prospects and collaborators that you need. And it does it in minutes. 
Where LinkedIn can be used on its own to find the people you need, that can be a painful and arduous a task. Larger companies literally have thousands of people working for them. And, when you do drill down to a pool of potential decision makers, you have to investigate every one of them to see who is active and engaged. 
Sales Navigator is designed to do all of this for you. 

Using Sales Navigator 

Considering how useful and clever the tool is, it is quite easy to use. Because there are a lot of accounts to sift through, there are a lot of fields that you can fill in to help Sales Navigator do an FBI-level deep dive on its population of millions. It isn’t necessary to fill them all in, but like anything, the more information you add, the more targeted the pool of potential decision makers. 
It even has a section linked to their activity. If they aren’t active, or have been inactive for a long while, you would likely consider them a cold prospect. At least, as far as contacting them on LinkedIn is concerned. 

How can you include it in your marketing campaigns? 

There are many ways you can use Sales Navigator. If you wished to, you could directly message your prospects from the platform itself. However, this form of marketing can often seem intrusive. The best way really is to find them on LinkedIn and connect with them and start your relationship that way. 
The thing that a lot of people forget about LinkedIn is that it’s a social networking platform first and foremost. Sales messages and pitches can often go unread. You are better off messaging your prospect or collaborator with a simple message requesting to join their network. That way you can interact with their content and show that you have value. 
LinkedIn is still a “people first” platform. If people engage with you, they are more likely to be interested in your company. It rarely happens the other way around. So, by using Sales Navigator you can find the right person and work on building trust. 
For more information about how to use Sales Navigator in your marketing campaigns, please call us on 01604 698 948  
or email us on 
Tagged as: Blog, LinkedIn, Marketing
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