Blogging is a great way to add new content to your website, but this can be easier said than done, so here are some tips that may help you. 

10 Blogging Tips 

1. Keep it regular –before you start blogging be realistic as to how frequently you can blog and then schedule the time into your working week or month. If you know you won’t find time to blog on a weekly basis, then blog on a fortnightly or monthly basis. 
2. Be informative – a blog is not about you selling your products and services to your potential customer, it should be a case of sharing information. Yes you do want to help promote and build your brand, but first you must build trust in your brand with useful and relevant information. 
3. Find a good topic – now this can be the hardest part, because your blog post needs to be interesting and relevant to the product or service that you offer, but hints and tips are often a good place to start. 
4. I really don’t know what to blog about – if this is the case then perhaps think of another way to add new and relevant content to your website, a news page might be the way for you as this could include industry relevant news, not just news about your business. 
5. Share your blogs – when you have posted your blogs on your website, share them on Social Media, with a link through to your website. This means that to read the full blog article, they will need to visit your website. Google loves Social Media interaction, so by adding your blog to your Facebook, Twitter, Google My Business and LinkedIn that is 4 safe links to your website, so not only have you added new content, but you have also added safe links with Social Media = happy Google 
6. Further sharing – ok so you have posted your blog on Social Media, but not all of your contacts will follow you on your Social Media platform, so why not send them an email, also linking back to your website to view the full blog, that’s another safe link to your website. We recommend that you use an email marketing tool or your CRM if you have one, as that way you can track who has opened the email and clicked through to your website. 
7. Rehash old blogs – if a blog is still relevant then why not re-use it at a later date. 
8. Easily allow people to subscribe to receive your blogs – add a form into your website allowing people to sign up. If they do, this is a real privilege, they are showing a real interest in what you are saying, so make sure you do email them with any new blog articles that you write. 
9. Allow people to leave comments on your blogs – feedback is always important. Most websites will also allow you to authorise comments before posting them, which can be useful, to ensure that spam comments aren’t left. 
10. Try and add new blog posts on a new page – the more pages you have the better as far as Google is concerned. This allows you to add blog specific SEO to the page. If all your blogs are on one page, it can make the webpage look very long. 

Good Luck 

So good luck blogging and if you are really stuck for a topic, drop us a message with your profession and website and we will send you some suggestions. 
Or if you would like our support with content marketing for your website, please contact us on 01604 698948, we can have a no obligation chat and a coffee. 
Tagged as: Blogging, Marketing
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